So how did we do in that Nike Race?
Melbourne was placed ninth overall, with an average running time (for 10km) of 58″58′. London, topped out at number two with 57″47′. Alright, alright. So they win this round.
Well, at least we don’t have a goofy portly mayor who’s the butt of many jokes. Oh, wait.
For all the results and more, click here.
Our favourite 5000m Victorian track-star Craig “Buster” Mottram was there too! Probably out of contractual obligation because he likes running!
But since he was so good, he gave all the fast runners a 10-minute head start. Not that it mattered at all, since he finished in the top ten anyway.
Craig reckons he runs an average of 190km per week. Per Week! That’s like 4 and a half marathons! One every other day! Just thinking about it makes me so tired!
I wonder how much he eats daily to power all that running…
Speaking of eating, to all our Muslim readers (all three of you), we wish you happy fasting in the holy month of Ramadan.*
For everyone else, here’s a cheat sheet of what Ramadan’s all about.
*- According to the Islamic Council of Victoria, the month of Ramadan coincided with the 1st of Sept.